How to buy


Using our shopping cart ( Primary ):

As you browse our product pages, click the picture or description to go to the product detail info page,put the items you are interested in to the shoppng cart after selecting its attributes(size,color,etc). When you are done shopping, review the items in your shopping cart, make any necessary changes, and complete the ordering process.We will process your order within 1-2 business days

Email Ordering:

Please email us with the order #, name of the item(s) of interest, cost, and your shipping address. We will confirm the availability, length of production, and the target shipping date.

Our Beijing Office is on the opposite of side of planet with only a tiny window of live communication time to USA. It might be the next day before your questions are answered.

Mail Samples via Post Office To:

Please include telephone number shown below, no matter what your local post advises.

  • Tel: 86-18931688048
  • Address: Beijing China
  • Postalcode: 100001
  • Recipients: Sumrain